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Wine Of The Week

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NoMercy | 09:50 Thu 08th Mar 2012 | Food & Drink
57 Answers
Always in search of a new grape variety, I was excited to see a limited edition Inycon Grillo 2010 on offer in Tesco. Grillo, a grape variety with which I was hitherto unacquainted, is a bold and expressive grape variety and one which the Incyon makers have used to create a superb white wine, full to the brim with flavours of tropical fruits and satsuma, with a lasting crisp lemony zing. This wine strikes the perfect balance between freshness and richness. Currently half price in Tesco at £4.99. Offer ends 18 March.


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Macon Villages from my favourite german supermarket & a box of poppadoms (from ditto) ... lovely grub :+)
<<<<looks sadly at her bottle of Buckfast>>>>>
Helps wash the black pudding down Mrs O :)
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I could eat poppadoms until the cows come home. :-)

How are you, Mrs O?
Stop it stop it stop it! Mrs Zacs is on call this week and naturally abstains and I (in a moment of madness) agreed to support her and do likewise I could murder a glass of Rioja.
Fine ta NoM, how are you?
I have a rubbish palate with wine - it all tastes the same to me
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That's very noble of you, Zacs.

I positively raise my glass to you. ;-)
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Not bad, Mrs O. I look forward to going back to part time hours as of Monday.
Hope it goes well on Monday xx
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I just hope I get to leave at half three, Mrs O. X x
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DT, I look forward to your Tempranillo review later.
I thought wine of the week was - 'Mum, I don't like sprouts'
I find a 50/50 cocktail of buckfast and malibu renders the palate numb to the point where sprouts are acceptable ...
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I love sprouts. Shredded and sauteed with pancetta and grated chestnuts.
A much maligned vegetable - done properly (as per your recipe above, or even gently steamed & tossed in some parsley butter) they are lovely - but 'boiled until khaki' is not good ...
I love sprouts when properly cooked - four to six minutes steaming and then taken from there. My sister's m-i-l passed away today and she was like my grandmother in thinking that brussels should go on before even the roast meat..........yeeeuuuuuuuck.

As to the Old Vines (Navarro Lopez) Tempranillo, I will see what it is like tonight. I opened it on the back of a mediocre Errasuriz and I found it a little thin and unbalanced - maybe it needs the air.

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