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Thanks for all your thoughts. I was thinking of young blokes on their own too. Most of them, I said MOST, are excused from domestic chores even today. It must come as something of a shock to find yourself facing things which someone else did for you at home. If you are one, male or female, going to live alone for some years, it would perhaps help them to be able to have a fall-back few dishes, know a bit about budgeting and know how to prioritise chores. Daughters pick up more hints, either voluntarily or not and are often called upon to manage when mum's ill or away. My thoughts were for things like home-made soup, scrambled eggs, omelettes, baked potato in jacket, a kebab, use of microwave. If any cookery or domestic science is taught the time spent might as well be on things useful straightaway. Here, 40% of people live alone. No wonder the fast food outlets do well! I was heartened to see funkychicken's post. He won't be floundering around getting frustrated, or spending a lot paying others for jobs he can do himself. For myself, I could have done with a simple plumbing course!