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what are you having for lunch

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murraymints | 11:32 Sun 13th May 2012 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
I am being very naughty and having smokey bacon crisps on a white roll !!.my reward for a good week !


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Pork chops cooked with apples and cider accompanied by roast potatoes, corn, broccoli and carrots.
12:37 Sun 13th May 2012
Sunday roast down the local.
Dunno... dad's taken me for lunch so not sure what I'm having yet.
Nothing, we've only had breakfast half an hour ago.
Nothing at the moment.
For some strange reason I've had no appetite this morning
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breakfast at noon ???..can i come and playu ?
> dad's taken me for lunch

So what did you have?
After reading about Mrs O's OH's piles, neither have I any appetite at the moment.
mike, I notice that you are "it" today when it comes to venomous remarks from another AB'er lol
apologies for digressing there murray
I fancy a few black grapes I think lol.
Question Author it's a roast..yum yum..wish i had then no need to cook later!
I'm not hungry at the moment, as i had Mrs sqad for breakfast............;-)
>> Sunday roast down the local.

> it's a roast

Chances are... ;-)
barbecue ..... pork rack chops, chicken breasts marinated in something and bangers. home made coleslaw, home made salsa, home made barbecue sauce and roastie potatoes with rosemary and garlic. Washed down with a glass of something red. Chox.
That'll be a roast, then, mark
Chablis + Rioja.
You must be psychic, Boxy!
Roast what?.
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Sqad.. I am VERY hurt told me you and ms Sqad were not doing "it"
I'll hazard a guess that mark is having roast...meat

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what are you having for lunch

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