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Oily fish.

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Georgiesmum | 12:01 Sat 21st Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Our doctors say everyone should eat oily fish at least three times a week. These include sardines, fresh salmon and mackerel, etc. Do you?


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only a couple of times a week as i dont like sardines but i am partial to smoked mackerel.
Not 3 times but usually at least once.
nope...I do take fish oil supplements though. If I ate everything that "our doctors" say we should eat, i wouldn't have any room for the stuff that I choose!
Yes.......we do.
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"Oily fish" includes trout, salmon,mackerel,herring, sardines, eel, whitebait,sprats, fresh tuna and kippers.
Yes, most weeks I do.
I don't like fish =s

So no...
I prefer fish to meat especially salmon and mackerel, so I do.
According to the Food Standards Agency-it's 2 portions of fish per week-with one being oily fish.

There is such a thing as eating too much because oily fish is prone to containing pollutants.

I usually have 1-2 portions.
Yes, I love fish whether oily or not!
Tonight for a snack I have some squid rings which I will batter up and fry.
what about people allergic to fish and shellfish, what is the alternative to the doctors guidelines?
I'll have it twice a week, usually fresh salmon or tuna, and I do like sardines on hot buttered toast for lunch.
Linseed oil also provides Omega 3, I think
Yes same here twice a week smoked mackerel, salmon, I did not realise trout fell into oily fish catagory will try that also
I thought there was more to eating fish than purely as a source of omega 3?
such a thing as too much ?

Well I'm well polluted
We usually have at least one serving of fish per week, this week it was fresh salmon, not cheap, I could have bought a peice of beef for what I paid. I like sardines and I do try to eat oily fish once a week at least not usually three times though.
Just when I thought we were having a whale of a time, are you trying to cod us mick?lol
cant beleive you lot who dont like sardines - tin of them mashed on toast with chopped gerkin then under the grill -job done luch is up

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