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For the foody with simple tastes...

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EvianBaby | 16:39 Wed 12th Sep 2012 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
Wheetabix baked with golden syrup.

OMG!!! I demand everyone eats them. But after I've had my share.


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Hi evian, what do you mean, put in the oven with gs poured over them? Served eith something, or eaten as a biccy, nae quite suer what you mean, however i van imagine as a biccy would be rather nice....?
Have you tried them toasted with melted cheese?
Question Author
That's how you buy them Frilly. Like a normal box of wheetabix but they got golden syrup in them. Caught my eye when I was feeding my wheetabix addiction in tesco yesterday and thought id try some. It could prove to be a huge mistake, they are delicious!

I don't like cheese Craft.
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Oh, I mean I just had the, with milk.

Toasted is a good shout though. Might try that later.
Thanks Evian, I'll try them. With hot milk?
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No I couldn't be bothered to heat it just, just dived straight in with cold.
Ooh, I love Weetabix and I love golden syrup........and I'm going shopping tomorrow morning. Lunch sorted!
Aaaaah rite you are evian, here was me thinking you were testing my culinary will go to the shops if you say they are that good!!
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Heck no Frilly, I vere away from anything that requires me to do much more strenuous than getting some milk out of the fridge. :)

They are seriously delish Rocky!

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