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Tea at 3

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albaqwerty | 14:53 Fri 02nd Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
I'm not mobile enough, so you can help yourselves please

Sausage rolls, cocktail sausages and mince pies are on the corner table.

Salmon sandwiches, cheese and tomato and ham ones are on the coffer table.

Tea's in the pot, coffee is percolating, elderflower stuff for Fluff is around here somewhere.

Choccie ecalirs and jam doughnuts might be sitting next to me :-) Tuck in folks


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Alba what a great spread. I am going a salmon sandwich and some cocktail sausages as I didnt have much lunch.
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Thanks grass, tuck in :-)

Boy, did I have fun with the typos :-D
OH has just done me a cheese and chutney sandwich with mug of tea.
albs, I was rude and remiss this morning not to wish you better - sorry. Hope you get some 3-in-1 oil this weekend.x
Haven't had lunch? I haven't had breakfast yet ;) Just a large coffee for me please, ta muchly.
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TT, you are never rude me dear xxxx

A brandy in the coffee??

Baza, can I borrow your OH please?
sounds DELISH!!!! :p
Oh well, I wasn't going to ask, albs, but as you mention it ...

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tuck in jan, and welcome :-D

TT, it's only courvoisier (or whatever it's spelling is) a large glug?
Can you do ginormous please - in a separate glass?
Is there a Sipsmiths going? Otherwise a black tea would be ideal............phew, just taken on my bank about their PPI, that's the first of my claims in, mortgages to come.
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a pint mug it is TT, unless you'd prefer a straw? (I'd go for the straw personally)

Don't you be going all fancy DT, I've seen some strange names of beers in me local shop, I knew I should have taken a pen and a bit of paper to let the beeries know :-D
(gin, alba, the XO of gin! - don't even need any tonic, it's that smooth, on the rocks, slice of lime and heaven).
Where's the Guiness
I'm at the coffee table making a Scooby-snack-sized sandwich... thank you Alba :-) I'm also pretending to be drinking coffee.
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be wary of the lime DT, it can get you legless :-)

Owd, lovely to see you. Come and sit on the comfy seat, TT will shift herself and share the brandy, although you might have to prise the glass from her delicate paws:-)
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lol Ark, you just carry on


excuse me..
on the black milk, owdhamer, that will bring gness in if she gets half a whiff of her national brew.
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isn't that lovely lady getting ready for a jaunt to the Emerald Isle?
prise the glass from her delicate paws

They don't call me rigor mortis for nothing :)
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Miss Mortis, you do know that Owd is sitting on yer kernee?
A fine couple :-D

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Tea at 3

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