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Haggis ... what do you do with yours?

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Meg888 | 16:07 Wed 05th Dec 2012 | Food & Drink
28 Answers
I love it. I'm lucky enough to have a friend who lives in Scotland, near a delish butcher who makes it to his own secret recipe - and I get a huge amount every Xmas for much cheaper than we pay in the supermarkets in NE England. I chop it & freeze it batches. I do the usual with it i.e. serve it with clapshot/roll into balls, breadcrumb it with whiskey sauce/stuff chicken breasts with it... does anyone else have any other recipe ideas for it?


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imo you can't beat boiling one and serving with neeps and tatties.

How about frying a slice and serving it with a fry-up?

What on earth is clapshot please?
Clapshot with oatcakes

Clapshot is a traditional Scottish dish that originated in Orkney and may be served with haggis, oatcakes,[2] mince, sausages or cold meat.[3] It is created by the combined mashing of swede turnips and potatoes ("neeps and tatties") with the addition of chives, butter or dripping, salt and pepper; some versions include onions.
It has to be neeps and tatties!
sounds lovely. And any haggis i have had, had to be followed by more, and a large glass of whisky
I had to have a shot for the clap once, didn't like it lol.
I am weird! I have mine with mash and Heinz Baked Beans... hangs head in shame!!
lol our kid :-D

Clapshot really doesn't sound appealing (the name I mean)
not the name, but the ingredients do.
you can pan fry it and it goes well with smoked bacon and fried egg.....
I will have it any way it comes, I love it!
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LOL @ Tonyav! I've had it with a fry up - as I had no black pud, it was lovely but OH didn't think so - felt it didn't match as the flavour was too strong. I wondered what it would taste like in a pie or as a replacement to mince in a mince-ish dish?
Puff pastry pasties, yummy
Pure sacrilege to do anything other than the traditional boiled haggis neeps and tatties.
aah, great minds, alba - sorry! - meg - it is a good alternative to black pudding for scallops, add a little samphire and a light mustard sauce/foam......
voddie and DT, could you kindly pop into food, there's a q about pork, thank you

(sorry for digressing)
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What is Samphire? Never heard of it.
Isn't it funny how the purists resent any attempt to "improve" their dogmatic recipes.
My parents and brothers love it, I despise! best place is in the bin for me :P
P.S. Don't get me wrong, I do love the "boiled" and served with tatties and neeps version. But variety is the spice of life.
Use it to stuff chicken breasts and serve it with a creamy mushroom sauce
I think the recipe is called Balmoral chicken - it is actually very nice.

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Haggis ... what do you do with yours?

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