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Tinned Plums

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SueMoneyRowley | 14:12 Sun 16th Dec 2012 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
I've noticed that the major supermarkets no longer sell tinned plums and wonder why this is. Does anybody have any idea why?


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They do :-)
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The Waitrose link only leads to prunes. I will try Sainsbury again, but they didn't have any last time I was in there, only prunes. Tesco, Asda and Morrisons only have prunes.
I love plums, especially plum yogurt which is very very hard to come buy, Waitrose have just started doing small pots of it but it's expensive. Don't know why we don't see more of it.
The Waitrose link shows Plums if you scroll down.
My local Waitrose had John West tinned plums on the shelf today for 90p.
Ooh good. I'll add some to my Waitrose Christmas order. Might have a go at making plum yoggie with them, ie tip some plain yogurt on top of a helping of plums:-) Sorted.

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