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kiwi fruit

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kopend | 15:55 Thu 23rd Jun 2005 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
are there any easy ways to peel a kiwi fruit?


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Cut it in half, use a spoon to loosen round the edges and scoop out the flesh.
Small sharp knife, chopping board followed by soapy water for your hands.
No there's not an easy way to peel.
You can actually eat it like an apple, skin and all.  Or chop the top off and eat it like a  'dippy egg'.  Grandma Sunflower was, and is a bit of an oddity. x

If you need to have a whole kiwi fruit that has no skin on it, then the easiest way is to chop a slice off the end so it has a flat bottom, stand it on it's new bottom, and use a knife to go from top to bottom in strips, just under the skin.  So hard to describe without pictures. 

It's the same technique chefs use with oranges and apples etc.

Sorry it's a poor description, but I wanted to try to say how to PEEL rather than how to EAT a kiwi fruit, as that's what I understood your question to be. 

acw, I think your explanation was very clear

Instead of a knife, I would use a peeler -- like I use for apples and potatoes.

Ceebee's approach would certainly work too -- if you were trying to have pretty slices on a salad or tart, you would simply slice the resulting hemisphers

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