I was at a family do last night.
I drank 6 cans of lager throughout the evening (4hr period) but upon drinking the final can, somebody pointed out to me that the expiry date for the cans was 30 Aug 2010!!!
I dont know if it is psychosomatic or real symptoms but my stomach feels very delicate, I have pains in abdomen and side and a headache. It is not normal hangover feelings, 6 cans wouldnt give me a hangover anyway??
Is it a. solely the off lager b. partly the off lager and my mind making it worse c. unrelated??
If it had been off then bacteria would have been able to get to it, and so exposed to air. if the lager wasn't flat then it would be fine. I think it's your brain telling your stomach you've just given it 6 cans of off lager and it's kicking up a fuss....
Tasted a bit flat but not "off".
I probably have a bit of a bad tummy coming on and have jumped straight to the conclusion that its the lager. It might not have helped though!
jd, don't want to worry you. My husband recently had similar symptoms to you, for three days. I finally nagged him into going to the docs. He had a blood test which showed white count of near 300 (it is supposed to be 10). So my advice is, if you have a temperature, to go to the doctors. His turned out to be gall bladder infection which could have been very serious if left.
Annegel, thanks for your concerns. I am better today. Could have just been something I eat/drank, perhaps nothing to do with the 30 month expired lager. Felt a bit crampy and had a bad head until around tea time then it seemed to get better.