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End Of.

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EcclesCake | 20:47 Fri 22nd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
The next person that uses this on a thread that I read will get a smack around the chops with a mackerel! If I have no fresh ones I will approach Mrs Overall for one from her massive stock, in which case there is no promise that I will defrost it before giving the recipient a smack around the chops!


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Mrs o also finds that a sand filled Marigold also has the desired effect Eccles.
i won't, don't use it, and i honestly don't know anyone that does, or why the one person on here does.
YOur post really has an "end of" air about it Eccles.

(Runs and hides).........
Eccles, I love you, End of. xx
Gawd I am so tempted but I've never used it
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It is such an irritating expression, I just think of petulant kids in the playground who lack the imagination for a proper argument.
Give over Tony, I love Eccles, even if we do fall out out.
There are many on here Eccles! Belive me.
I know you do TWR.
//I just think of petulant kids in the playground who lack the imagination for a proper argument//

Sounds like a normal day to me ;)
So what?

This is the nearest I ever come to using the phrase.
But with it being frozen mackerel rather than fresh I daren't risk it :-)
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Sod it, I can't be arsed. Anyone fancy a glass of wine? Viognier open, Shiraz available.
It`s the UK version of "Period" that is used in the States. It doesn`t always mean someone has lost an arguement though. Sometimes it means the person has said all they want to say and they don`t have anything to add. It doesn`t bother me. Not as bad as "Wrong on so many levels", "Be afraid, be very afraid", "Too much information" and all the other fad expressions IMO
Even worse when they end the post with 'fact', as if that makes further discussion pointless. It is really funny when their 'fact' turns out to be wrong though :)
Cheers, Eccles
I'll have a beer if you have any please Eccles.
Eccles, asI type I have just refilled a Brandy glass, I will toast you xx I like a good debate, but I do respond to the smart@rses on here, I can take it, & I can give it, have a drink on me please xx
ttfn for you xx, have a drink on me xx

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