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Slow Cooker,do U Put Water In?!!

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pinkcowprint | 08:10 Sat 16th Mar 2013 | Food & Drink
24 Answers
Silly question,but ive bought a slow cooker and all the recipes dont say to cover with liquid..i have always covered whatever i do with stock or some form of liquid..theres a recipe for roast chicken but just says to line with foil then put in?


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Thanks for that, I'll give it a go next time.
I cooked a chicken in a slow cooker. Nothing else just the chicken. Cooked on high for three hours then slow for four hours. The liquid that came out of the chicken came half way up the bird when finished. Delicious
That liquid makes a great basis for soup.
sure does pasta

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Slow Cooker,do U Put Water In?!!

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