Food and drink related questions glad when these are all don, but I do have until the end of June to do them..
*This boat is not going down
*Along with the golden pear was this one silver?
*Mother and child
*This one's a real madam!
*Spread this in the rush hour
Wow, the power of the Internet aye? Thanks for all the answers and explanations of how they came about. My neighbour thinks this is cheating mainly cos she's only got one answer (ha ha) but I told her it's like having an electronic encyclopedia.....
Thanks again guys, I shall TRY to get some of the others but may be back to wrack your brains too....
Hi vakayu, I answered at the last minute before going out and am only just this minute back. I also had my answer to the first one, but was running late, so couldn't post until I came back.
My guess for number one, is Ketchup. KETCH is a type of boat and not going down, must be UP, put the two together.
Hi again the winner that seems a very good answer to me,I guess it's up to Pasty Queen as gravy is in the frame as well,thanks again for reminding me of that little rhyme,which I had forgotten about since childhood.
Oh boy TheWinner, now what do I do? I put in GRAVY, but now KETCHUP seems the better answer......decisions, decisions! I may just put both in and let the mediators decide.
Thanks all.....x