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Iluvspikey | 12:01 Mon 29th Apr 2013 | Food & Drink
26 Answers
Store-cupboard items; oils, herbs, spices, sauces (worcestershire, chili, horseradish, mustard etc) flours, sugar, salt black pepper, rice, pasta, noodles, stock cubes, red and white wine bread etc.
Fridge stock lemons milk ,cream, yoghurt, creme fraishe, cheeses, eggs lardons, garlic, fresh herbs'

What would you make using the store cupboard and fridge items with either;
A whole fresh chicken, two leeks a piece of cheese and a bunch of grapes
A sirloin steak, a red and a green pepper, celery, an onion, a baking sized potato and a small bag of frozen peas

No methods, just say you'd cook off steak and make stuffed peppers etc.



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Prick and ping....:-) x
Hot and spicy chicken chicken fajitas, grated cheese with salad and a baked potato
Hang on I'll go and ask DT.
I'm not really a Vampire but I wish someone would please put a steak in me.
all right then (iluv)

and we'll have the cheese for afters

I'd have jacket potato with cheeses and horseradish sauce!

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