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carrust | 17:41 Tue 11th Jun 2013 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
...sausage for tea...ohhhhhh yeeeessssss


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with ?
King prawn Thai green curry.

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Allotment new spuds & home grown salad. Followed by stewed rhubarb & ice cream
Sugar cane prawn skewers with dipping sauce, egg fried rice, broccoli with sesame and soy and a little cucumber salad with a dash of chilli.

Probably, I'm still consulting with Mr Hom.........
Jacket potato, sardines and salad
carrust, your potatoes are ready? Where do you live, the channel Isles? lol! Mine aren't even in flower yet .
Gammon, egg, chips, peas, and onion rings, and strawberry cheesecake.
Oh god, I haven't thought about dinner.

A ding dinner from the freezer, I suppose.
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Epona. I've planted them in 12" polythene pots & started them off in the poly tunnel. I go round the pots delving for spuds & I've managed to get a couple of pounds or so.
I found some potatoes that had been forgotten about from last year, we caught them just in time and they were better than I had expected.

I'm feeling hungry and I've got two hours before supper, I MIT have to go on a little rampage throughout the fridge.

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