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Smowball | 13:00 Tue 25th Jun 2013 | Food & Drink
19 Answers
Im n the middle of a recipe and it asks for paella rice. Just looked in the cupboard and I only have risotto rice. Will that do??


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No. Risotto rice breaks down and goes creamy. You'll end up with stodge. You'd get away with other rices though, like long grain.

How near is the local shop?
You can but it will require a lot of stirring to prevent it going "puddingy"
Question Author
Cant go out - im waiting for a delivery.Ok I also have plain long grain and basmati?
What is the recipe?
Yep, don't substitute with risotto rice. Ummm is right.
I suppose I should have asked that question :-)
Plain long grain.
@dannyk: stirring the risotto rice will make it breakdown even quicker!
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Its an aromatic chicken bake. You fry chicken pieces, onion,garlic,red peppers.Add tomatoes,green beans,carrot,herbs etc. Stir and add stock and rice,bring to boil then put lid on and cook in oven until rice is tender.
I've done oven baked risotto using Carnaroli/arborio rice with no problems, equally long grain would work OK too.

I think here I'd probably go long grain.
Since you would be baking the rice, perhaps adding a bit less stock, you might be able to 'pull' it off.
Long grain rice will be fine.
That sounds nice...
Question Author
I have plain white long grain, and brown rice.....?

ummmm - i like these kind of one pot dishes, cook and serve up in same dish!
Use the brown rice. It would work out perfectly.
Go white it takes less time to cook, if you went brown everything else would be buggered.
You'll have to post the recipe :-)

bet my lot would still want a side order of potatoes....
Question Author
Splash of olive oil
800g boneless chicken thighs cut into bite size pieces
1 lge onion chopped
2 garlic cloves peeled and chopped
1 red pepper deseeded and diced
2 plum tomatoes roughly chopped
1 carrot peeled and cut into chunks
200g green beans trimmed and cut in half
1 cinammon stick
3 cardamon pods
half tsp smoked paprika
250g paella rice
500ml chicken stock
salt and pepper

1.Preheat oven to 180c

2.Heat oil in large casserole dish and fry chicken till golden. Add onion,garlic and pepper and stir fry for 5 mins.

3.Stir in the tomatoes,carrot,green beans,cardamon pods,cinnamon stick,paprika and rice.

4.Add the stock,season and bring to boil.

5.Cover with lid and put in oven for 20-25 mins or until chicken is tender.

Fluff up rice and serve.

salt and pepper
Go to the chippy?
just make sure any liquid goes in before or after or just another
type? if you found anything else. I am amazing right?!! XXX

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