Does anyone know whether it is possible to buy powdered cordial/squash similar to that which is used in vending machines? Or possibly in fizzy tablet form like some of the multi vitamins?
I know I can get it on ebay and the like Sparkles - but I wanted to just buy it on the High Street really ............ I remember it well too ................. do you also remember the small (standard can size but slimmer) canisters of highly concentrated orange juice (frozen) which which you added to water to make a lovely juice type drink?
What about Gatorade powder (might be called sportade or similar now). the orange flavour is very refreshing, they do other flavours too. seems expensive but it does make a lot up. BTW i remember cremola too.. they lost the recepie and someone tried to relaunch it but it wasnt as good...don't know if its still made.