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Worrying Things Afoot At The Co-Op

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bednobs | 20:05 Sun 25th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
there was a woman in front of me in the co-op today who was buying a pack of fosters for £8. She said to the person behind the till "how much would it be if i bought two of these for £8 each" he looked at her a bit strangely (as did most of the people in the queue) so she asked him again prefacing it with "sorry, i'm rubbish at maths"
Now, i can fully appreciate that maths is hard for some (indeed it is for me at times) and although i do wonder how people survive in life with maths skills as poor as this, i can appreciate that not everyone has the same level of intelligence.

However, what totally amazed me was that the person behind the till had to call the manager to get the answer!


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Why am I not surprised ?
Hope you checked your till receipt, bednobs.
Question Author
i don't know, i really was. this was a well-spoken well dressed woman
maybe they were on an offer if you bought 2, or maybe the assistant thought she had seen there was an offer.

Must have been our local one,
I am not at all surprised!
you must use the same co-op as me, 70% are thick, the other 50% don't care.
I suspect the person behind the counter was wondering whether the customer was asking if there was a deal on- e.g. buy 2 for £12
Some people have maths dyslexia (and some people are thick as Sugar however well dressed they are).
I'd better not make quips about people who work in the Co-Op :-)
Your all right rusty, she ain't around.
They're all brain-dead 'king cretins:-)

What flowers do you want on your memorial stone?

You know who might be lurking.
Might as well get hung for a sheep than a lamb:-)
lol, he's dead !.
Our Co-Op has a grand bunch of lasses, can't fault em.
(Cept the funny one with the frizzy perm)
I think I may have shouted the answer,
and put my hand up
and asked for a gold star for the fridge
assuming they could assess my £16 as correct and not appealable
SHerrard math dyslexie is acalculia
I suppose it should be dyscalculia

see Gerstmann Syndrome
Isnt there a post where someone overhears Miss A advise Miss B
IF the change is one pence then just guess...
hello, B00, what would your answer have been? I'd have said £20...

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