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Freezing Apples

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john1066 | 18:50 Mon 30th Sep 2013 | Food & Drink
11 Answers
I have lots of apples from my tree and am wondering if they can be frozen!


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I stew them first, then freeze them. I had a bumper crop this year but my freezer is pretty full so I've given loads away.
You can freeze them if you cook them. Either stew them or make them into crumbles or pies.
i was given loads of cookers y/day.
Have peeled and cored and just frozen my very first batch. (cooked)
I hope to make more room in my freezer now--eating well tonight lol
Yes, you have to cook them first and then freeze.
I have loads of cooking apples but can't even give them away.
You can crush them for juice and/ or ferment it to cider if you have enough and they are the right varieties.
I have successfully frozen apples cooked and also uncooked. Peel quarter and slice them, lightly dust with sugar and freeze in bags getting as much air out of the bag as you can.
I peel and slice them, and put them straight into bags or containers, ready for use. Never had a problem with this method.
I have cramped my apple in containers that i get out of the chinese takeaway with lids. Filled them to the top, no air in there. Their freezing well.
have been told there are loads more apples to come! Yeee.
Will try your idea tomorrow james. Uncooked frozen would be so much quicker and easier for me.
I blanche mine, in thick slices, for about one minute and then put them in freezer bags with a small sprinkling of sugar.
Bumper crop this year! Freezer full and will last me all the year, I think.

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