Home & Garden10 mins ago
What Is Turkey Ham?
26 Answers
, and while we are on the subject what are chicken fried meats?
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"Chicken fried" refers to the way of prepping before frying.
http:// www.the freedic tionary .com/ch icken-f ried
You can get vegetarian ham as well....it tastes of chicken.
https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/sea rch?q=v egetari an+ham& amp;tbm =isch&a mp;tbo= u&s ource=u niv& ;sa=X&a mp;ei=h 9t7UvvH HYSqhAe Rn4C4Cg &ve d=0CCwQ sAQ& ;biw=13 66& bih=599 #facrc= _&i mgdii=_ &im grc=h9a tWqvhVS fVSM%3A %3B_LWy krjd2IU vfM%3Bh ttp%253 A%252F% 252Fgee kpete.c om%252F blog%25 2Fwp-co ntent%2 52Fuplo ads%252 F2012%2 52F04%2 52F0104 2012100 .jpg%3B http%25 3A%252F %252Fim age.soo wangsea rch.com %252Fre s.aspx% 253Fwd% 253Dubu ntu%252 Btomcat %252Blo g%3B204 8%3B153 6