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Clementines V's Satsumas

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sherrardk | 19:18 Sun 22nd Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Which is traditional, clementines or satsumas? I know they look pretty much the same but was curious as to others' thoughts.


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which ever is the easiest to unwrap,never remember which though,like both
I think satsumas. Very Christmassy and easier to peel. Taste nicer too, imo.
both are a variety of mandarin, satsumas are less sweet, down to personal taste really.
Wouldn't give a satsuma house room. Tasteless.
I like the one's with the green leaves on.
Mrs av bought some of those this afternoon, Yilly.
Clementines for me...don't know why though....x

A few years ago we received a letter from Kettering council saying only fruit and veg peeled in the kitchen could be put in the recycling bin...anything peeled elsewhere had to go in the black bin....really.

It was about this time of year so I wrote to the council and said I was in a quandary. The family had been visiting and peeled clementines in the both the kitchen and sitting room. They had become mixed together so where should I put the peel... the black bin or the recycling bin and how would the council know if I put them in the wrong bin?
Lol. They know, gness! CCTV on the bin lids!;-)

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Clementines V's Satsumas

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