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I've Just Done 'a Gness'

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Tilly2 | 19:44 Mon 30th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I have just made a balsamic dressing for a salad and didn't put the top on the jar properly before I shook it. Consequently, I have a salad with a big dollop of dressing in the middle.

I thought to myself, 'This is the sort of thing gness would do. I've just done 'a gness.' Sorry, gness.


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Can you not now toss the salad?
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............but not necessarily emulsified.
in the spin dryer?
oooooerrrrrrrrrrrr missus ;-)
Are you suggesting G is a Salads Chef?
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Oh, I wish you'd said earlier, jno!
That should have read 'to55er'
I came to this thread expecting you to report some generous and kind-hearted deed. Possibly involving an electric bike. I am sorely disappointed.
Gness dressing a salad? Tilly no way
you could have thrown in any T-shirts you wanted given a tie-died look
Thank you,

Why would you dress a salad...unless it's with lace and beads and frilly stuff... you should see the Christmas cake I'm decorating.....yes I know it's late.. but don't you just love squishing the marzipan......then faffing with the feathers and ribbons....and little black snowmen.....☺
it's becoming hard to see you "gness" and "dressing" could appear in the same sentence, unless delivered by Russell Brand.
Never let it be said that I pass up an opportunity to ride gallantly to your defence gness.
The bicycle or the horse?.....A horse would be really gallant.....☺
Oh, a horse, of course... *rushes off to buy horse and hide bike*
Hope he buys a black romantic....and plumes.....☺
Get a room (preferable near A&E) you two ...
sounds like the beginnings of a stable relationship

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I've Just Done 'a Gness'

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