Interestingly, you can keep eggs in the fridge prior to incubating for hatching, we usually leave them for up to five or six days before incubating just so we have a large enough batch of the required breed to warrant hatching the batch rather than having chicks hatching over a period of days.
When we had our shops we sold huge amounts of fresh eggs. We kept the stock under a counter. Our fearless dog, who had caught 3 burglars over the years, was reduced to a trembling mass by thunder storms. One day we had the mother & father of all storms and the dog took refuge - under that counter. Hmmmmm - never saw so many broken eggs in all my life.
The simple answer is Eggs should never ever be put in a fridge . As they are porous they will attract other smells to them and they will then to be seen as not quite fresh. Farm Shops or Supermarkets do not put eggs in fridges so why should we take then home and put in a chiller
Aww Choux, Poor dog! :-)
I don't keep eggs in the fridge as they absorb any smelly food in there. Blue cheese flavoured eggs are not too great in cake recipes. But each to their own.
Now tomato's - Nope, always at room temp. Always.
gollob: if eggs should never be put in the fridge, why do the labels on egg boxes state "refrigerate after purchase for maximum freshness"?
I think advice from egg producers is preferable to the half-baked ideas on this thread.
Yes, Sorry Mikey (we'll be quick),
Hiya Pixie, when I joined it said I could not have an Avatar until 10 valid questions had been asked and/ or after 3/4 days and hey presto, I went to Gravatar after answering 10 and signed up. I hope i haven't upset anyone on AB as yet ;-)
Cheers Mikey, sorry, please carry on...