Hi. I've been feeling this weird feeling in my lower abdomen, and I don't want to rush to the doctors for something that's not harmful or hurting me in anyway or so I hope. It feels like there's something in my abdomen, kinda like a small weight. Sometimes I'll feel a tingly/tickle feeling directly in the middle of my abdomen or more to the right. Sometimes it causes a little discomfort like very mild cramps, the ones that don't hurt just irritating. I find myself a little more bloated and "puffy" than usual. Just recently, my boyfriend and I had sex (while I've been feeling like this) and I felt slightly irritated inside my lower abdomen area even more. It DOESN'T hurt, it just feels like a tiny weight being put on/in my abdomen. I don't know what it is, and I just want a few answers to see if anyone has felt like this or knows someone who felt like this and what it was. Thank you.
yes, this really needs a live human being prodding you and saying "Is it here?" rather than people on a website. (Even if people have felt irritation in the same area, you can never be sure it's the same thing.) You pay your taxes, you support a national health service, it's there for you to use.
To avoid any further major complications i think you should consult your doctor so that whatever might be the condition it will be detected and resolved in earlier stage.