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Can I Make A Curry In My Slow Cooker

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Tilly2 | 10:57 Tue 25th Mar 2014 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
without frying spices or buying a jar of ready made stuff. Can I just add the spices from the little tubs or will it taste 'raw'?


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I make at least 80% of my curries in a slow cooker. As suggested above frying the onions and spices will bring out the flavours. Have a look at these I have made most of them in a slow cooker.
11:30 Tue 25th Mar 2014
Tilly...any spices (dry or in oil) WILL need frying first. Otherwise they DO taste raw. I always soften onions too for the same reason.
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Aw! I knew that really, ginge. I was just hoping to get away with it. I feel a bit lethargic today.

Thank you, anyway
I would always fry the spices(it brings out the flavour) and onions(as gingebee suggests) to soften them with the meat(if using).I would then add the liquid,be it chopped toms or a stock and then simmer.I really can't see the point in doing a curry in a slow cooker unless you were using a really tough cheap joint of meat.I am just about to start cooking a Fresh chicken Jalfrezi from scratch on the hob in a saucepan and it will take no longer than 90mins approx including prep.Leave it on simmer and it will cook itself without the need for a slow cooker.
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Retrocop, I am using the slow cooker because I have the remains of a huge leg of lamb which needs cooking so that the meat falls off the bone. I thought the slow cooker would be best for that.
yes it would tilly. i did one the other day and it was lovely.
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Did you fry the spices l-j?
I make at least 80% of my curries in a slow cooker. As suggested above frying the onions and spices will bring out the flavours.
Have a look at these I have made most of them in a slow cooker.
After a few hours the meat is ready to fall apart delish!
Well if the lamb was cooked right through to the bone initially as I would hope it was,then,I would just use the cooked lamb straight into a cooking pot with the other ingredients.I personally would put the bone in the pot as well to get the full flavour out of the marrow.I personally would not use a slow cooker for this meal if you are in the house for a couple of hours to give it an occasional stir.I'm afraid I gave my slow cooker away as I don't like cooking with them.I suppose they have their use if you are at work all day and you have a meal waiting for you when you get home,but,you still have to prepare and part cook ingredients beforehand so you might as well let the meal cook on a slow simmer on the hob.It's a matter of opinion/choice at end of day.
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Thank you for those links, crc. They are really very useful.
Your most welcome.

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Can I Make A Curry In My Slow Cooker

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