Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Fish And Chip Pie
44 Answers
I have just had my lunch, a M&S Fish and Chip Pie.( a new line in the store )Fish, Chips and Mushy peas in a pastry case Anyone else tried these ? your opinions please. Thank you.
North Yorkshire bakery's fish and chip pies go on sale at M&S (From Gazette & Herald) http://www.g azetteherald .co.uk/NEWS/ 11181350.Nor th_Yorkshire _bakery_s_fi sh_and_chip_ pies_go_on_s ale_at_M_S/? ref=twtrec
12:31 Fri 02nd May 2014
North Yorkshire bakery's fish and chip pies go on sale at M&S (From Gazette & Herald)
http:// www.gaz etteher ald.co. uk/NEWS /111813 50.Nort h_Yorks hire_ba kery_s_ fish_an d_chip_ pies_go _on_sal e_at_M_ S/?ref= twtrec
http:// www.del iciousm agazine .co.uk/ article s/10-of -the-be st-fish -pie-re cipes
not everything has to have potato :-D
not everything has to have potato :-D