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Salad Dodger

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sunny-dave | 19:04 Wed 28th May 2014 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
When I were a lad (nobbut a few years ago) the green stuff in "Salad" was a few leaves of limp lettuce - designed mainly to make the plate look fuller.

It was (effectively) inedible, but at least inoffensive and cheap.

Now "salad greens" seem to involve a load of stuff that previously I would have designated as "weeds" - dandelion leaves, rocket, escarole, mizuna, beet tops, lambs lettuce and god knows what other horrors.

It all costs a small fortune, tastes vile (unless smothered in expensive balsamic dressing) and is a complete fraud on the gullible consumer by the major supermarkets - aided and abetted by the usual foodie twits.

Join me in the resistance

"Just Say No to Green Crap"


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"It`s not rocket science" No, it`s just rocket.
19:33 Wed 28th May 2014
I have an uncle like you, dave. He won't eat rabbit food either.
I'm not that keen on balsemic dressing, if that helps
I love leaves :)
I love leaves too
No, Dave...that's your are putting dressings on and not really tasting the leaves.....
Soft bread....proper butter....loads of leaves and a tiny grind of pepper squished together is delicious....x
Slapshot....beating anorexia for years.... ;)

nb I do accept this is an issue no offence meant
>>>(unless smothered in expensive balsamic dressing)

Rubbish. A mixed leaf salad needs nothing more than a light sprinkling of extra virgin olive oil.

I also used to think of 'salad' as boring, boring, boring but I love the type of mixed leaf salad you're referring to. (It's the horrid concoctions offered on supermarket 'salad bars' that I regard as the work of the Devil!)
PS.....big fan of a good salad
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I had a brilliant Steak and Chips on Monday - probably the best I've had in this country.

It was what it said on the tin - "Steak and Chips" - no ghastly unwanted 'garnish'.

Now I did also order a separate little jug of "Anchovy Hollandaise" and a rather splendid Caesar Salad on the side. But that had proper crunchy lettuce in it - not weeds.

{ } since you ask :)
"salad" is some lettuce, a spring onion, half a tomato, some sliced cucumber and a sprinkle of mustard and cress. On your plate.

"leaves" is more new fangled things, possibly from the wild
I made MrG's new kidney work by feeding him dandelion leaves hidden in lettuce....☺
Don't like a TV programme? Don't watch it

Don't like mixed salad leaves? Don't buy/eat them

It's not rocket science

"It`s not rocket science" No, it`s just rocket.

Food of the gods!
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Now there I agree with you roy - samphire is truly wonderful.
Something to eat if one is supposed to eat a low fat, low salt diet. I.E. boring.
I like a crispy salad not the token side salad limp lettuce and cucumber with half a tomato. I pile everything on lettuce, red peppers, chopped avocado, boiled egg as well as the onion tomato and cucumber, beetroot etc. Then I pour salad cream or mayonnaise on it with a tablespoon of sugar and mix it all up, beats the object of a 'healthy' salad I know, but it tastes lovely.
Ooh, The Hawksmoor, that's the next steakhouse on my hitlist.
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Just do it Rocky - the Seven Dials one is great - excellent lunch and attentive and friendly service from the staff.

It makes going to Central London almost bearable - particularly on Mondays (BYOB for £5 corkage eases the pain of the bill quite a lot) :)
Clearly, it is not foodstuff for our species. No need to try to emulate a herbivore by making out it is edible. One doesn't dodge salad any more than one dodges a hole in the head. It just isn't natural to want that which is unpleasant it and makes life less enjoyable, so one doesn't have anything to do with it. And it's isn't just the green stuff either. With the exception of some fruits, which are sweet enough to be a decent option, uncooked food is for the beasts of the field. Just say, "No !"

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