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Balsamic Vinegar

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elframo | 12:27 Thu 25th Aug 2005 | Food & Drink
8 Answers

Any tips as to what I can do with Balsamic Vinegar?




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Slice yellow squash, zucchini, sweet onions, green and red peppers, Roma tomatoes, mushrooms and egg plant into a container... add 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar and 1/4 cup EV olive oil, stir and then pour onto medium hot barbeque grill.  There are inexpensive flat pans for this purpose.  They have numerous small holes and keep vegetable from falling thorugh grill.  Shouldn't take over 15 or 20 minutes.  Don't cook them until soft, however...
Rub it on your gums...Lovely!

An easy option is to poor a little onto a saucer with olive oil, then dip bread into it - fresh ciabatta is best.  Very simple, yet very yummy!

tip it down the sink - it's vile stuff and i wouldn't give it houseroom!
stick it on yer salad
Add a generous dash to any tomato or bolognese-type sauce (and don't be afraid of adding a teaspoon or so of sugar). Add to beef or game stews, or use as part of the marinade for oxtail etc. Or get the tastiest tomatoes you can find, some basil (try Thai basil if you can get hold of it) and some goat's cheese (which actually tastes of something, unlike most of the mozarella you get), and generously sprinkle with good olive oil and balsamico vinegar.

mix it with some olive oil, mustard, salt & pepper for a very tasty salad dressing.

Rinse and hull strawberries. Cut in half. Sprinkle with castor sugar, then a small sprinkling of balsamic vinegar. The strawberries will double (if not more) their flavour. Believe me.....this works.

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