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Do You Have Hot Or Cold Tea.

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cazzie1984 | 13:23 Mon 25th Aug 2014 | Food & Drink
23 Answers
hi, what do you enjoy most hot tea or cold iced tea.


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Hot, strong brew.
Assam, Earl Grey or a Lapsang Souchong, all hot and with milk.
Make mine coffee
Black tea, no sugar, hotish but with a dsh of cold water.
Mint or earl grey, very hot, bag in, no milk. Dislike cold/iced tea or coffee.
I like some fruit teas...they are nice both hot and cold.
I forgot Chai, again hot with milk.
Hot. Yorkshire tea .
Coffee for me please.
Used to drink only fruit teas pasta, especially liked blackcurrant, but they give me indigestion now.
Morrisons supermarket cafe is the only one I know who provide slices of lemon for those who prefer lemon tea. I really like lemon tea but rarely have it at home. At home it's usually hot tea with milk.
Iced tea, preferably peach. I very rarely drink hot drinks. If I have hot tea, it's white tea, with no milk. That's really nice.
Hot, strong and sweet. Just how I like my men (said in a Mae West voice)!
Hot tea with milk and sugar, or coffee with milk and sugar.
Hot and strong no sugar.
Quarter boiled 3q cold tap, Typhoo instant; no time to waste waiting till its tepid.
Hot tea, never had iced tea.
With my sensitive teeth it has to sit in the cup 'til it's nearly cold. In healthier times I liked a hot cuppa.
Are you American cazzie?
I often let my hot black tea go cold, and drink it then.

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