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Oh Well,time To Switch The Oven On

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slinky.kate | 17:34 Thu 27th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
master slinky having veg. curry and thai noodles,i am having chicken and bacon casserole,brocolli and potatoes.what are you's having tonight.


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My builder friend is coming tomorrow, but I don't fancy him - he's a 6 foot 4 big wide Irishman, and I'm a bloke anyway... He might eat the deadly curry though!
17:43 Thu 27th Nov 2014
A life. Get one.
Hi, Kate.....I'm having last night's left over chicken.....and a face pack ...manicure....and early night.....

The builder is back to do some work tomorrow......♥
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oh 'gness,so that's the reason for the face pack etc.
Oh yes, Kate......he's a dish......☺
I've made a deadly curry with a pound of lamb mince made into meatballs, with 12 hot green chillies and 6 Chipotle chillies. A can of chickpeas might tone it down a bit... I'll do cauliflower steamed with turmeric & garlic and a cucumber raita made with my own yoghurt - the Easy yo stuff is brilliant.

Theres only me eats this in our house, so curry for the foreseeable future, chaps!

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you lucky ***......
My builder friend is coming tomorrow, but I don't fancy him - he's a 6 foot 4 big wide Irishman, and I'm a bloke anyway...

He might eat the deadly curry though!
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my son loves all the chilli and strong curry stuff,i have to cook separate for myself as my palate is so sensitive,my mouth goes numb,eyes streaming,runny nose etc.
Squash soup made in a pan with a stick blender.

Blackadder, all the while I acknowledge this post isn't in food and drink many people do like the 'what's for breakfast/lunch/supper threads, there is no need to be so mean or sarcastic!
Do you know, Ven.....I'm a sucker for six four big wide Irishmen and curry... room for one more?.....☺
Enchiladas..... I even get the priviledge of making them when I get home...
very rude,,,, blackadder,
Slinky Kate - those are normal symptoms when eating my curry!
Oh, Eccles......BA couldn't help and I know why.....☺

. . Sausages!
Really couldn't be asred to cook tonight, so I grabbed a Chinese meal for 2 from the supermarket on the way home. I rarely cook ready meals - I could have produced a nice, fresh, homemade meal in the amount of time I have spent reading and disagreeing with the instructions!
I have a lovely image now of Mrs Baldric pulling on Baldric's chin while he grunts.......sausages.....sausages.......☺
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just realised I put this on chatterbank,my mistake.
'blackadder',i wish I could get a life but I just make do with what I have...

Blimey, you got a good memory gness

Sausages about 1.35

I might skip tea and get a new avatar.

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Oh Well,time To Switch The Oven On

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