My dear one has been advised to try a diet using more fish than he's used to, to start with I have got him a tuna steak for tomorrow, but what to serve with it, he wont take kindly to salad, but I have to fill him up something, any idea's please?
Fresh cod in parsley sauce with potatoes and peas/French beans is my idea of luxury. Same with smoked cod, except drop the parsley sauce and top with a poached egg. If I ever were to face the electric chair that would be my last meal.
A tomato based cous-cous dish goes really well with seared tuna, mix in some chick peas and cooked chopped french beans for extra texture (I normally use a big dollop of red pesto mixed through the cous-cous)
Failing that, how about some healthy boiled new potatoes, chunky carrots and baked onions with a splash of lemon & Thyme dressing.
My mother used to tell me the tale of when they were recently married and before I was born, at the end of the war, meat was severely rationed but suddenly whale meat appeared on the shelves, with the instruction , just cook like beef. My mother did so, served up the Sunday dinner. Dad took a bite, Mam took a bite. he looked at her, she looked at him, and without a word being spoken the lot went in the bin and they had to settle for cheese on toast.
thanks everyone, he likes most veg so should be ok (but not many spuds allowed) might try some pasta, though its not something I do much of, is it less fattening than spuds or bread?
try tuna steak with jacket potato and salad, lightly drizzled with a sweet chilli sauce. I'm also adding more fish to my diet. I am enjoy kippers with poached eggs for breakfast, or sardines or tuna with salad for lunch. We got Young's fish portions in parsley sauce today from the supermarket. I plan to have those with boiled potatoes and plenty of veg. Being naughty tonight and tucking into a burger :)
I don't like salad but I have a lot of veg I like provided it's cooked enough not to be anything like salad any more. A large pile of green beans is an decent option. But it depends on what your dear one likes.
It depends. Some of it tastes absolutely revolting and I do not understand why some folk pretend otherwise. The bearable stuff has a texture that is unpleasant and makes you want to spit it out. Raw leaves, raw roots, foul tasting "fruits", this isn't food fit for human consumption.
Lol, OG. I also love salad. Some nice seared scallops and salad is one of my favs. If I lived alone I would probably live on food like that....but alas, I have the menfolk to feed.