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Fussy Eaters

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TheMacDonaldMan | 00:50 Tue 10th Feb 2015 | Food & Drink
80 Answers
I've met a few fussy eaters in my life, but none as bad as my girlfriend. I want to make her something special, but she REALLY narowed it down for me when she gave me a list of 15 INGREDIENTS. She's won't eat anything fishy, hates salad, doesn't like dip and absolutely hates sauces, for example Pizza or a Hunters chicken. I want to make her something nice and flavoursome, but it's going to end up making somethimg plain and dry. Any good ideas as to what I could make that woukd wow her? I'm pretty good at cooking so complexity isn'tan issue.


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Is that the stuff she likes or doesn't? Stuffed peppers with chicken and rice or roasties? New girlfriend?
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How so Dizmo, are you lazy? XD and she doesn't like eggs. It's just a pain in the *** trying to make something decent for her. She hardly won't eat soup either!
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Cleodog, that's what she DOES eat
TMDM: She has the same food taste as me. I'm not lazy, I just don't eat that often. Have you tried her with stock?
Livestock or Beef stock?
I make a lovely Beef tea
Mamya: Oh come on :( you're killing me here.
I tend to agree with cleodog. If she's that fussy about food she may well be equally fussy about other things. You could be making a rod for your own back.
Sorry Diz.
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She says that she likes beef and pork, but I think that it's plain strips on a fajita wrap, and I'm skeptical as to weather she would eat a proper Steak if we went out to a proper steakhouse
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Oh, it's so irrelevant, but we've been going out for 11months. That sounds terrible of me for not picking up on her eating habbits, but her Mum always makes massive alterations to the dinner for her, and it was hard to pick up on what she liked. She had *** plain noodles and toast for breakfast! That's not normal!
Skip the food and do something else.
Hey up-trouble's here.
If you love her, you'll adapt to her ways - simples. She will be fine at a steakhouse but don't get irate when she asks for things her way.
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Ummmmm: she has made me my Tea before so I'm returning the favour
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Dizmo, I do love her, and I do try my best to the nest for her and spoil her... but this is rediculous, even my mum wonders what to cook! And Mum's are great at knowing things!
I can be picky sometimes but I'm not That bad! What you going to eat when/if you're married/ have kids? Just take her out for a meal and she Should be grateful she's got a thoughtful boyfriend?! Night night all.
Does she like Meringues? (I know they contain eggs but you'd be surprised).
I still think a cheese sandwich is the best answer :)

She sounds a right spoilt little madam - spoilt by her mum and now you're doing it. Whatever happened to "eat that or nothing" which prevailed in my youth ?

Good luck with the relationship (you need it).
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Oh yeah she likes those... to be honest, she likes puddings, which I can make well, so we're Ok on that aspect

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