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Vacuum Sealer Thing For Food

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hc4361 | 10:28 Mon 06th Apr 2015 | Food & Drink
11 Answers
Once again I have far too much cooked meat left and thought about a vacuum sealer machine. If you've got one, what do you think of it?


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2 figures, storage time with conventional bags, storage time with vacuum seal: Freezer Beef steaks 6-12 months, 2-3 years beef mince 3-4 months, 1 year lean fish (cod, haddock) 4-6 months, 2 years fatty fish (salmon, sea trout) 2-3 months, 1 year pork chops 4-6 months, 2-3 years poultry 6-12 months, 2-3 years vegetables 6-9 months, 2-3 years. Fridge: cheese...
11:24 Mon 06th Apr 2015
We have one, had it for ages and love it.

The bags are much more rugged than cling-film and can be re-used. We often buy a big beef joint, cook it, eat a meal's worth and freeze the rest in vacuum bags.
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JML often stocked in shops eg, Robert Dyas.

Other makes are available eg, Lakeland.
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This is it, jobabob User Recommendation

How much longer would cooked meat keep out of the freezer, bhg? I freeze a lot of food and don't need to vacuum seal it.
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I got my butcher to vacuum pack some raw meat for me and it does keep fresher for longer
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We really only use ours to give us robust bags for the freezer, hc4361, so I can't really say how much longer food keeps in the bags than "on the shelf". We found that ordinary plastic bags or cling-film became brittle in the freezer (we're very casual with use-by dates), so we tried one of these and find it's much better.
Because you can re-use the bags, provided you make them big enough (you have to cut them open), it doesn't cost a fortune and we don't get freezer-burn.
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Does your manual give you any idea of shelf life, bhg? If you have it to hand, that is
2 figures, storage time with conventional bags, storage time with vacuum seal:

Beef steaks 6-12 months, 2-3 years
beef mince 3-4 months, 1 year
lean fish (cod, haddock) 4-6 months, 2 years
fatty fish (salmon, sea trout) 2-3 months, 1 year
pork chops 4-6 months, 2-3 years
poultry 6-12 months, 2-3 years
vegetables 6-9 months, 2-3 years.
cheese 2-4 weeks, 4-8 months
Cold Meats 3-4 days, 7-10 days
Fruits (berries) 1-5 days, 7-14 days
vegetables 2-7 days, 7-14 days.

Cereal 2-3 months, 6-12 months
biscuits (home made) 1-2 weeks, 3-6 weeks.
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Marvellous, thank you

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Vacuum Sealer Thing For Food

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