10a Any ranunculaceous plant of the genus Delphinium, bearing spikes of blue flowers (8)
11a English silver coin worth four old pence (5)
14a Daughter of Tantalus turned into stone as she wept for her children, killed by Artemis and Apollo (5)
22a John ****, Scottish born US naturalist instrumental in the passing of the National Park bill (4)
29a Large crater formed by the collapse of the central part of a volcano after eruption (7)
7d 1977 government conspiracy film about a fakedding, starring Elliott Gould and James Brolin (9,3)
8d 1664 play by Moliere subtitled The Impostor, or The Hypocrite (8)
9d Greenish substance prepared from the juice of the squirting cucumber, used as a purgative (9)
28d Either of a pair of mobile sensory appendages on the heads of insects, crustaceans, etc. (7)
29d European primrose (Primula veris) with fragrant yellow folwers, also known as a paigle (7)