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mushroom storage

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joko | 01:27 Tue 20th Sep 2005 | Food & Drink
5 Answers

Can anyone tell me how best to store mushrooms, bought loose. the shop gives you a plastic bag but they always go brown etc

Fridge, paper bag, etc????




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Oh, I like the easy ones! Having spent several hours trying to answer one or two awkward AB questions tonight it's good to find one which takes less than 10 seconds for a web search!

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rofl at mdoo98, may bob round for mushroom omelete later ;)   

joko, we always put ours in the fridge,paper bags are best dont screw the top of the paper bag down, just leave it open, they usually last quite a while

mushrooms are delicious ...........dont store them the lot .....and buy some more ....!!!!!
"good" supermarkets have paper bags to put your mushrooms in but other than overnight why store them?
As others say just eat em straight away.
Anyway, can a fungus go mouldy?

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mushroom storage

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