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jennyjoan | 10:07 Wed 30th Mar 2016 | Food & Drink
49 Answers
My local chippies (chippys) are cooking such large fish that surely must be part of Nessie (massive). They are yuck.

They are no way cod or haddock. Is your chippy good. I could buy cod from fishmongers but no good at batter.



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Haddock is a bottom feeder, too
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err - what does bottom feeder mean
It's a fish that lives off the floor of the sea or river
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well what is a nice fish maybe to buy off a fishmonger and doesn't eat ass
A parrot fish. Lives in a tree.
Load of pollocks on AB sometimes Retro.
That really made me laugh retro.
Parrot fish is a nice meaty fish that does not fall apart when fried. Not in batter though.
The last time I had fish and chips, I had rock and it was a massive piece.
It costs about £8 to have fish and chips, so more of a treat these days.
Lol at jj at 18:58 .......

Sharon - where on earth do you buy your fish and chips from ?? At the weekend, three of us had two chinese meals and a portion of fish and chips from a favourite takeaway and it cost just under £13 for the lot !
When I was a 6 year old boy it was my job every Saturday to go and fetch the fish and chips for lunch. The order was always the same: 3 cod (one each for my parents and the other to be divided between me and my brother) and two bags of chips. Cod was 9d and chips were 3d a bag. Total cost - 2/9 (roughly 14p). Happy days.
Dare I ask when that was Jackdaw .....
I used to live next door to a chippy and I remember them costing 20p.
Awww Jackdaw, 20 years before I was born. I remember a time when fish weren't as huge as they are now. My Mum just has fish and peas as a 'treat' now, she can't eat chips too as the fish are so big !
What I always remember was that chips were 3d, but in the summer when the new potatoes came in they went up to 4d and came back down to 3d in the autumn. One year they went up to 4d and never came back down again.
Do you rememebr 'crispy bits' Jackdaw ??
Yes. We just called it batter. Added on at no extra cost as it was just the waste batter from the fish.
We call them scrumps, can still get them at our local chippy - my son loves them, bit greasy for me now!
Although I love fish and chips from the chippy I don't actually eat batter...well, I'll have a couple of bites and that's plenty.
we used to call them gribbles!!

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