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Food For Teenagers

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EcclesCake | 17:35 Tue 03rd May 2016 | Food & Drink
60 Answers
What would your top three dishes to teach a teenager to cook?

I'm thinking about everyday meals as well a dishes that will wow?


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As a teenager, if my mum tried to teach me stuff, I would be like, "get off my case woman, I have enough of this at school"
My mum didn't actually teach me to cook but I did spend a lot of time in the kitchen with either her or my nan observing.

The reason I learnt how to cook or create a meal is because I didn't eat the same food as the rest of the family.

Eccles - I used to have a weekend job in a hotel kitchen as a kitchen hand. One very quiet night the chef was bored and taught me how to make Steak Diane. It still remains one of my favs.
I also did home ec at school for 5 years and it proved very useful.
Portion sizes is also important, how much rice, spaghetti etc for each person. one gets the amount of rice right!! :-)
I could add poached egg. To make myself even more proud. I'm good at poached egg.

Question Author
Where have I acquired all these teenagers from?????
I was wondering that :-)
You never actually stated they were your teenagers - someone just appears to have jumped to his own conclusion!

I want to know why you are asking?
when my brother left home to go to uni..I wrote him a wee recipe book..stuff for students to scoff.....spag bol...lasagne..shepherds pie..chilli...sausage casserole..tuna bake...tuna pasta.. garlic kept him well fed for 5 years...chilli is still one of his signature dishes !!
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Keep on wanting Peeler!
Why do you need to know?
well I am not a dectevie but perhaps eccles is grooming?!!
Everything you can make out of mince.
A decent burger, a shepherd's pie and a chilli for starters.
If they can cook these things already they can work the rest out for themselves.
It's not a low standard of cooking to do these things well.
pmsl at peelerpal!!!
1.Welsh rarebit adding tomato puree base & oregano for homemade pizza
2.oven bake chips, sausages & b.beans
3.bread n butter pud

corned beef today can use smash.

wow factor : satay - chicken skewer grilled. Sauce crunchy peanut butter, brown sugar, garlic & lemon. served on rice bed (cup rice in jug, cover with boiling water half inch above rice, pinch salt, cover with cling film & nuke 5mins).

1 cup rice serves 2.
Cottage pie, spaghetti bolognaise and omelettes (various fillings). They should survive on that.

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