ChatterBank5 mins ago
Yorkshire Parkin
Does anyone have a recipe for a nice soft parkin I have lost my mums recipe, and also lost my parkin pig recipe. thanks. I think the parkin pig is local to Yorks/Lancs.
https:// www. google. co. uk/ webhp? sourceid= chrome- instant& amp; ion= 1& espv= 2& amp; ie= UTF- 8# q= yorkshire% 20parkin% 20recipe% 20mary% 20berry look here ?
07:46 Fri 03rd Jun 2016
I suggest reading through the reviews for these two recipes, to see which will be best for you (or to learn about any suggested tweaks to the recipes):
http:// goodfoo ecipes/ 1751649 /yorksh ire-par kin
http:// goodfoo ecipes/ 1940684 /parkin
This might also be worth a look:
http:// mummyde /parkin pigsrec ipe/
(If that page gets overlaid with a box inviting you to submit your email address, simply click outside the box to get rid of it).
This might also be worth a look:
(If that page gets overlaid with a box inviting you to submit your email address, simply click outside the box to get rid of it).