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A Good Day

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Luv_The_Doc | 16:09 Sat 11th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Mrs B and I just got back from a nose about in East Kent, Margate, Ramsgate Deal and Sandwich which was a nightmare, little narrow streets packed with tourists as there was a 'French Market' in town for the weekend. Folks wandering down the middle of the road looking at you like you had no business being there with a car, think they would have moved a bit quicker if they had known I used to drive in Mumbai ;-)
B. has been busy and cut all the grass, we were going to do it tomorrow, but he said he was bored and got on with it. Roger's worn out as he's been chasing the mower. now it's wine o'clock, and no more driving for the day.
Hope yours has been good too.


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Glad you've all had a good day and Baldric must be improving
send balders my best wishes please
We have a visiting "French Market" and they all seem to be English selling items that don't seem very French to me.

A friend (now dead) did voluntary work in Bangalore and refused to drive as there seemed to be no rules on the road - every man for themselves.
French markets, unless they're in France, are a load of rubbish. The one in Marlow is not worth the time, effort or petrol, all it sells is sweets and scarfs which are probably made nowhere near France.
If Baldric investigated the shrubbery a bit more he'd not be bored.....

Wonderful day here in Westport Quay.....woke up to find the Westport Sprint Triathlon was taking place beneath my balcony.....
Swimmers in wet suits....then stripping them off to cycle around a loop and back to run through Wesport House grounds......bliss.....and steamed up bins...... :-)

Tootled to the end of the road for, as I told my friends, a quiet Guinness in a pub find a hen party in full flow.....Lord knows what the priest would have made of the goings on......though, on the other hand......

Blue Grass in the bar below tonight.....lots of long bearded chaps about......isn't life
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We did park up and have a look at the Market, very little French about it, including the people running it.
Bernie, will do.
Says he'll check the shrubbery tomorrow gness.
sounds like a good day..glad Balders has someone bossi...supervising him !
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Hi Murray, love the guy to bits but it's the only way to deal with him sometimes ;-)
indeed...woof to roger !
>>> Folks wandering down the middle of the road looking at you like you had no business being there with a car

You can take this out of your boot now, L_T_D ;-)
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Already done Buenchico, dumped it in a lay-by earlier.
strimming today, 100 yards plus of hedge done, my arms beneath my knees now, the 'pain' of stretching upwards to cut the top of a Cornish stone-wall hedge.....however, a big pile of detritus assembled just inside the drive to dry out and then woomph.....

Off to the local for supper and now une verre du vin rouge, courtesy of my sister who hoiked my purchases from last weekend back here.....there are some advantages to having a sister with a French palace. Cheers all and hope Balders is enjoying his vino and the rest of you....
hot bath and jimmies for you DT !
DTC ~ what have you done with your mum?
Where? It wasn't in Deal.
It was in Sandwich, Marshwarble . . .

. . . and I want to know why LTD didn't join in the Can Can!
I should have buried her in the hedge - she's managed to hide the mug Lady J gave me and it still hasn't surfaced.......
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Can't have too much excitement in one day Buenchico.
certainly a hot bath, minty xx
The other side of the coin, if you happen to live in a resort, is the number of motorists who cannot be bothered to leave the car at a Park and Ride (10 minutes service to town) and clog up streets which were laid when the inhabitants huddled under the protection of the castle. Charming folk but some utterly addicted to jaywalking.

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