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Yorkshire Pudding Recipe Please.

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NoMercy | 15:23 Sun 04th Sep 2016 | Food & Drink
48 Answers
The outlaws are coming round so it needs to be good ;)


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^ Yes don't let a chef hear you say it, but 95% of commercial catering only needs you to follow instructions and use a bit of common sense.
The 'Top of the Range'are those chefs that have to create their own recipes and get them accepted, but in most places you never do that.
And dishes are much easier than you think. I'd heard stories about people not being able to make yorkshires so never bothered until one day I thought I'd give it a bash. Easy as anything. I don't understand how people get it wrong.
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Woof, I meant heating the oil in the tin on the gas hob. I can't watch it getting smoking hot then :)
What kind of hob do you have?
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It's a Smeg electric oven with a gas hob.
^ That should work as long as the oven is ready and really hot.
Mainly that as you have to heat the oven you may as well heat the tins/oil at the same time.
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Is it best to make the battery mix the day before? separates.
And actually looks all grey and gross.

I'd stick to the oven method.
Don't do it on the hob as won't get a uniform heat, it needs to be in the oven. Ideally when you pour the batter into the tins, the oil will sizzle and the batter will set at the edges.
Have Aunt Bessies on stand by...
Cooking for one just isn't worth the effort so I keep a bag of Iceland frozen ready-cooked ones handy.
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One of the hobs is huge - I cook large paellas on it. It would be plenty big enough for the Yorkshire tin.
Oven - or Aga on very high.....sizzle the oil and as Islay says, the batter immediately starts forming....don't open too soon.
Best way if you have time is to make the batter and let it stand for 1/2 an hour or so then give it a final whisk to ensure there is air in it just before you use it.
NoM, isn't cooking for one though......
Eddie - I have already said about making it 30 mins in advance, it really is the best way.
You might want to try Jamie's way of doing it safely.
Hi NoMercy, how did it go? The outlaw dinner and the yorkshire puds I mean!
sorry nom you wanted the recipe for yesterday. maybe jamie's come in handy again

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