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Radio 4 - "kitchen Larder" - Gross Story

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DTCwordfan | 15:22 Tue 04th Oct 2016 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
I was driving back here earlier this afternoon, listening to Radio 4 and heard a story that really was quite gross, the food equivalent of Buenchico's Earl of Yorkshire cocktail.

There was a question to the panel about recipes for pickled onions, only the final panellist getting one. However, one of them related this chap coming into his pub - he would empty the pickle jar of its contents and drop a pork-pie in the liquid, then drink the 'vinegar' before eating the pie......

Anybody any pickle recipes or similar unsavoury stories......?


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I had to be stopped from drinking the pickled onion vinegar as a child.
Question Author
lol, mamya - why am I not surprised?!
You mean cos I'm a sourpuss?
Question Author would sharpen up the wit!
As a child I used to smell the muck of the potatoes and then eat some raw potatoes until stopped by mother.
Pickled onion vinegar is the second best for fish & chips ,the first being pickled red cabbage.
It's the Kitchen Cabinet and the person in question was Buster Bloodvessel of Bad Manners.

Pickled red cabbage reminds me of going to a friends Nan for 'tea' when visiting on a Saturday afternoon and being served meat and potato pie with pickled red cabbage on the side, it was most odd for my peculiar Southern ways!
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That's it, Eccles, 'Kitchen Cabinet' - I didn't catch the start of the programme and relied on a hazy memory.... didn't have memories like that - I can remember going to my great-grandmother's for Sunday tea, the trolley groaning with her bakery and bake she loved to do, and the Cornish cream - and then the day the trolley-leg gave way, the disaster.......

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Radio 4 - "kitchen Larder" - Gross Story

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