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Cooking Beef Brisket

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Smowball | 16:23 Sat 07th Jan 2017 | Food & Drink
24 Answers
I've never cooked it before - I have a 3lbs joint. Would it cook well in a slow cooker and would I add anything to it?


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Another use for brisket is to brine it before cooking and turn it into corned beef sooo nice.
By pot roasting the joint, you are effectively cooking it in its own steam, which is why you end up with such a tender dish. If you would to add a large glass or two of red wine, or, even better, some Port, you can do no wrong !
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Talbot do you not like it? I'm going to cook on low- just what to serve with it now?? And the corned beef sounds interesting.
It used to be my job to go to the butcher's every Saturday. The instruction was always the same: piece of brisket (no more than eight shillings). It would go into the oven first thing Sunday morning on a low gas, ready for lunchtime. I liked it but haven't had any for years.

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Cooking Beef Brisket

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