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The Sunday Lunch / Dinner Thread

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NoMercy | 12:59 Sun 08th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
We're having 7-hour leg of lamb, roasties, mint sauce, cavolo nero, sprouts and chestnuts, broccoli, carrots and peas and lashings of gravy.

What's on your menu?


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Beef Burrito and Corn Fritters and pancakes with ice cream for pudding.
Beef brisket, roast potatoes, parsnips and yorkshire puddings.

Pudding will probably be biscuits if anyone wants one.
I had lunch an hour and a half ago. A six nugget meal in McDonald's!
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What flavour ice cream, QoM?

Did you have a fine wine to accompany, Chris? ;)

I need to do beef next time, B00. It's not my favourite but it is his...
Belly pork, roasties, carrots, mashed swede, some beans which I've forgotten the name of, gravy and apple sauce.
Just a shoulder of pork. No veg. We forgot to get any. I think I've got a tin of spinach in the cupboard.
I'll have a root in the freezer see what's there in a bit.
"tin of spinach in the cupboard. "

Forgot...we having sprouts as well.

And probably mash spuds...I forgot my son has gone veggie.
I'm tempted to nip round to BOO's for dinner!

NoM it's just Vanilla for me this time. Normally I like Raspberry or Cherry but didn't see them.
Honestly ... You lot eat more than a site hut full of builders. ;o)

Cavolo nero?. Been to Tuscany again, Nom?
B00, I know. I'm a bit "eww" about the spinach. I love it fresh, but never tried tinned.
Do you just squeeze the spinach out of the can and eat it as it flows through the air, cloverjo?
sorry Jo, it might be lovely, but I'd never open the tin to find that one out!

Let us know what it's like, lol.

QoM- it might be a dud yet! I usually do brisket in the slow cooker, but im sloooooowly roasting this one in th'oven with garlic and onions, so it could turn out as tough as old shoe leather.
Oh I don't know Boo - still sounds yummy :)

Good Luck
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Nowt wrong with Vanilla, QoM.

Ummmm, we nearly had belly pork but then realises the lamb had been in the freezer longer.

No, Mr Builder... my local Aldi ;)

I've got a shoulder of pork, Cloverjo, but might serve that at my b'day party.
just had some porridge,now sucking soothers,that will do me for a son made me a big pot of chicken soup the other day,might have some of that.
Beef brisket is in slow cooker tho I'm not convinced it's doing very well, plus carrots, broccoli, yorkies, gravy and hubbys roast potatoes which are second to none!
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You should get a lot of stock out of that, Smow.

Chicken soup for a cold, slinky!
At hospital visiting, just had a sausage roll. Jumbo sized and it was rather tasty and moist.

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