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What's For Dinner Tonight?

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NoMercy | 11:10 Thu 23rd Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I'm treating OH to a mixed grill of 4oz fillet, sausage, bacon, venison burger, sliced pork belly, black pudding with scallops and free-range eggs.

What's on your menu this evening?

I especially can't wait to hear what JD is having :@)


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Not sure as I haven't got anything out of the freezer. What's in the fridge is beef joint, chicken wings and ribs. I only have a few spuds left and it's far too windy to walk to the supermarket :-)
cod with parsley sauce spuds and peas x
Going out for dinner with Dad as I have a voucher to get 2 free puddings...failing which NoM save me a place at the table!
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Ummmm, I'd turn the spuds into cajun wedges and serve with the ribs.

Mally, that's something I haven't had in years.

I'll reserve a place for you, QoM :)
The girl isn't home for dinner and the boy has developed vegetarianism so it's only Ginge that needs feeding :-)
Blimey Mercy, not even thought about it, its only 11.30am, just had breakfast!
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Lucky you, trt, I've had no breakfast and I didn't bring lunch either.
I am having 2 large olives, 6 cubes of feta cheese and 2 cherry tomato and 1 slice of melba toast. Him indoors is having whatever Mr Freezer spits out!!
Chicken thighs, cooked in Campbell's mushroom soup. Lobbed into that will be an onion, celery and some carrots.
Crikey ... round to HB's for supper tonight, I think !!


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Hello Seagull! Long time no speak.

I think I'll make a pea puree to go with the black pudding and scallops .
HummingBird ... that's the sort of thing you'd get in a nice restaurant. You are clever.
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I do like cooking - in fact I prefer it to eating. I'll have a much smaller version of what he's having.
Just sausage, chips, egg and peas tonight. I did a fancy pants dinner last night.
going for a turkey breast rolled around a pork, bacon, onion and herb stuffing....served with what I guess I ought to call parmentier potatoes and some green beans, maybe a carrot purée if I can be faffed.
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I've never had a carrot purée. I quite like cauliflower purée.

Simple but delicious, Tilly.
Something quick and light. Having spent the day lounging around in a hospital bed I will be entitled to a lazy dinner.
Believe it or not we're having all day breakfast tonight !
Hi NoM

Steak cooked in red wine, French fries, plum tomatoes, mushrooms, and two fried eggs.

Apricot crumble and custard, for afters.
After my main at yours NoM I'm off to Yogi's for pudding!

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