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Cooking Sausages

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gollob | 16:36 Wed 11th Oct 2017 | Food & Drink
81 Answers
After watching today's "Four In A Bed" they cooked sausages in the oven. Is this the best way to cook sausages or do you have alternatives?


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I always grill sausages, always have and always will. I like the way they sit nicely between the rungs of the grill and are easy to turn. As well as tasting nice of course ;)
19:21 Wed 11th Oct 2017
I fry them, I have tried to bake them but they tend to be a bit rubbery.
I sometimes cook them in beer then brown off in frying pan.
I'm not that ambitious Talbot.
No, but using 4 or 5 bottles of beer makes it interesting.
The toughness is why I don't like sausages, lamb intestines are much softer hence my preference for chipolatas.
And now I can never eat chipolatas!
I have no taste for chipolatas Yawn. I much prefer Talbots method of cooking.
Sorry Ummmm.

They are much more tender than pig intestines used for sausages..........
In baking dish & covered with yorky batter for toad int hole.
Do you make toad in the hole with raw sausages Tambo?
I grill sausages quite often, however, Carakeel will pan fry them, sometimes do them in the oven and sometimes in the air fryer, not so keen on the air fried sausages though.
I`m a philistine - I grill them. I had never heard of cooking sausages in the oven until I stayed with friends last year and that's how they cooked them. The seemed to come out OK though.
I make my TIAH with semi hard sausages. I find if they are precooked then by the time the batter is cooked they are super hard!
Grilling meat just doesn't compute for me.
according to the butchers I have spoken to, about chipolatas, the only difference between sausages and chipolatas is the size, some will grind chipolata a little more course, but generally chipolatas are just thinner with the same ingredients.
Sausages aren't "meat" though :)
Oh you could have worded that so much better Islay. I'm going to be sniggering all evening now!
Grilled sausages taste as good as fried but healthier, as less fat as it runs off them.
Ratter if you use a reputable butcher who makes their own sausages they will in all likelihood use natural skins.

Pig intestine for sausages and lamb for chipolatas.
As an amateur I obviously know nothing about cooking.

Fat runs out into a frying pan too, blotting before serving is normal practice.

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