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mallyh | 11:47 Mon 16th Jul 2018 | Food & Drink
60 Answers
I've had some very heated discussions with northeners (hubby included)and scots about swedes which they call turnips ,I say swedes are orange and turnips are white with purple tops .I even took my grandaughters scots friend to a veg stall where they were clearly marked swede but she got quite animated and said no no no they are turnips ,which camp are you in ?


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anneasquith //The wee white things ( that resemble testicles) are swede//
Was that after you kicked him?
Please see my link they are neeps - what do you call them in the picture?
"I've known this debate all my life too, what do Scots call the small white variety then?"

-- answer removed --
So whats a neep then?
Can you post pictures of your completely different vegetables?
Yeah, but which is which spath ?
What makes that orange puree sometimes served ?
Rockrose there are photos on both my and Mamyalynne's links.
I have posted a link to an image of both a Turnip and a Swede.

Very good Douglas.

Obviously a regional thing that will ne'er be resolved.

Og, A swede, mashed turnip is white.
But do all photos agree or just the ones posted here ?
And then we have a tumshie. !!!!!
I have a comprehensive Scots glossary on my laptop and that shows Neep as turnip.
so a neep is a swede then?
Do all photos agree?

Doubt it, just like all Abers don't.
Er! look up Rockrose.
Tumshie = turnip:

Purple top is a turnip, the most pumptastic of foods.
Scots don't eat vegetables, do they? How would they know the difference? :-)
That's a generalisation Ken, like 'all English folk are football hooligans'.

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