To be more precise can bacon be SUCCESSFULLY frozen and thawed out.
Each time I've tried it never tastes right, which is a great pity because the local Netto is currently selling Walls bacon rashers for 99p for 400 grams
We freeze bacon often. We remove it from the original packaging and place it in a zip top bag. After zipping it, roll the bag from the bottom to evacuate as much air as you can. We've also tried wrapping the bacon in the new "sticky" freezer roll and then placing it in the bag, but really haven't noticed that much difference. the longest we've kept it is probably 1 month to 6 weeks, and didn't notice any change in the quality...
I freeze bacon regularly, only thing that I would say is that after frying it is imperative to grill it rather than frying as even the quality no addedd water stuff is considerably wetter
We occasionally freeze bacon successfully but it's high quality, low water content product which we buy from our local butcher rather than the supermarket stuff. It's better to grill it rather than fry it (which produces a horrible white liquid).
Perhaps it's one of those"all in my mind things" although if anyone reads this who doesn't think defrosted bacon tastes right I would like your opinion as well.
All of my bacon goes straight into the freezer as I tend to zoom in on the BOGOF offers. I always dry fry in a non stick pan and if there is any white stuff it evaporates rapidly. Using smoked as well as unsmoked bacon I honestly can't say there is any loss of taste. Perhaps the source makes a difference - mine is from Sainsbury's, but I seem to remember that Tesco's ( from Poland, I believe) wasn't that great.