I have got quite a few new shrubs and saplings to pot on into 20 and 35l tubs, including a mimosa which is already in a 50l tub ands going into a 100l tub. brambles need cutting back all around the garden ansd the tortoise pen needs a general tidy up. My seeds (potimarron squash and specialist runner beans and peas among others) were boughtearly ands are in store ready to be planted. Going to late plant peas again this year as I had such an excellent crop last year. I use pea Terrain as it is bred for succession planting and the flavour is excellent. My garden smells delicious at present, mimosa, sarcococca, winter jasmine, petasites, viburnum and mahonia are all in flower and there are loads of buds on the camellias and the christmas roses....daffs are well up and garden hyacinths are just showing bud tips. Given the hot dry summer, a good showing so far.