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Thoughts On Meat-Eating.

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Khandro | 17:05 Thu 18th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
When you eat meat (if you do) do you consider that you are eating what was once a living, sentient being?


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Ive worked on a farm and know, first hand, the cruelty involved in farming meat.
But I like a good burger :-(
No. My thoughts are mmmm yummy or I wonder what that funny taste is.
I am aware where my meat comes from and that it was once a living breathing animal
Yes, so do I. I'm too weak to stop.
If we werent supposed to eat it, it wouldnt taste so nice.
Only when people mention it....
Nothing wrong with a good bit of cow or sheep - the only problem is they don't take that kindly to walking our fields around with only three legs.
No more than I consider I am eating what was once a living plant when I eat my veg. Live feeds on life in the main. Makes no odds were I to do so.
Yes which is why we try to only eat ethically sourced meat at home. I have less problem with animals being killed for meat than the way they are treated during their lives prior to slaughter.
I wonder if cannibals only eat vegetarians?
Only vegetarian cannibals Tongo :-)
I managed to eat my leg of lamb on Sunday without a trace of guilt. It was divine.
No, I am a real meat lover however relevant to your question I very recently had suckling pig on holiday. I was a bit uncomfortable to see it had the tiniest cutest trotter on the plate. I spoke to the owner/chef afterwards (it's a restaurant we frequent and they know us). He told me it was likely a month old. It bothered me on the way home and has popped into my head since. Hypocritical I know.
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Lady CG; //I managed to eat my leg of lamb on Sunday without a trace of guilt. It was divine.//

Which demonstrates that no matter how obvious is the truth that your leg of lamb was once a living, breathing life-enjoying lamb, it is still for you, unnecessary to be reminded of the connection between animal and meat.
I am not a vegetarian by the way, but I personally cannot make a disconnect by what it is I am actually eating without considering the involuntary sacrifice of life itself for it to be there on my plate.
Doesn't anybody say grace (at least to themselves) anymore?
Grace? No. That would be silly.

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