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Walnut Bread

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Barmaid | 12:02 Thu 12th Sep 2019 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
I normally use this recipe

works well to make a whole loaf. However, I want to do rolls in some miniature loaf tins. Do you think that if I just reduced the cooking time that might work?

Could I make the dough in the breadmaker?

AND do you think freeze, defrost and pop in an oven to warm might work? Or just part bake?

Any seasoned bakers out there?


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Looking at some recipes specifically for making rolls might be helpful. (Yes, I know that you want to work from the Ocado recipe but looking at similar ones might give you a guide to the time and temperature needed for rolls).

This cook actually mentions using a breadmaker for the dough, so that would seem to answer part of your question anyway:

These two BBC recipes might help you work out how best to bake your rolls:

Here's another one:
I only make bread by hand so can't talk to the use of a breadmaker....I would follow all steps until the dough has proved for the first time then knock the dough back and cut it into the number of rolls you want. Roll the dough on your work surface until you have the shape you need (I weigh them to ensure they are all about the same size) then rollinto the shape you want, place on baking sheet covered with grease proof paper...still the tray into a plastic bag (I use a non perfumed bin bag!!) leave for about 3/4 hour then bung into a preheated oven...probably about 20/25 mins but do check along the way....
PS freeze when cooled.....if you must!!
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Thanks Chris for those links.

I shall try the advice of Mally first, tho - thank you Mally. I am going to practice tonight!
I will worry now!!! Hope it turns out well....I love bashing bread dough about.....!
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No, dont worry, Mally!!! I have learned most of what I know in the kitchen by asking others and then experimenting.

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Walnut Bread

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